
Dec 19, 2009

My studio title efx

Seems to be very uglly as u see, but there's no uggly thing in the eye of an artist. the beauty of these grafix and the art of work make it more attractive.i simply use a simple step without any plugin or 3rd party software. all the image highlighted above is done from Adobe Photoshop cs 2 version.

New vector work

One thing i know my father used to told me is that u always dreaming and stop working while u learn ure lesson,that advice still in my heart and it make me strong to keep it up. and i have the will to make these vector graphics these whole weekend. i love the box and espicially the battery(dry cell).

Dec 14, 2009


These is a 3d composition of khatana from Joseph Lawm zahau, ihave model from a polygon and mesh.and the final rendering is done from Mental ray,and with the help of photoshop i had the output ah i loved it .

weekend photoshop work

This weekend i decided to make a project on Photoshop , i spend all my time, and mind for creating these image embede under here. i really appreciate for executing my out put file and am glade/excited to see my work. it realy help me to work out with and to survive.


studio output of a flim production image setting,the model am using over here is my boon companion Davinder sharda.i loved these car pimped, with a lot of workthrouugh technique i can finnaly render out.

Immagination sketch of my friend (name)...


Dec 1, 2009

The final Fantsy of a vinatge gafix House: I know its alway took time for creating a new thing, but i am always been renewd for that purpose.Getting up of my bed and rushing up hurrily to my colleg and sitting infront of my computer for the whole day, thinking bout the new thing which come to my mind ,here is the innovation which turn into a real art .i would like to share it.
And there will be lot of my drawing(sketching) which will be uploaded shortly...

Mizo lovely Saumbur interior Scene:
take a look of these interior scene.firstly i have done making the scen with the Polygon modelling technique and, i found this saum bur from the Misual site, i thaoiught of using this objec. to signify that these objec(interio) scene is dexine by a mizo guy. in it represent our culture, and our society.

Here is the new thing i work out thse week thouigh the help of 3d Max, o do really like the texturing of the interior scene, and am glade to create this new interior,Final output is done with the help of Mentalray rending.

Nov 15, 2009

some vector works

STIL IMAGES RETOUCHING: Ah ! tey don’t look so professional but am glade to create them, am using Photoshop for these purpose and am also using different images for the same composition of the final images output. I named them as a photo Composition art.
This is a simple images I took from the net and edited with some photoshop stuff.

Highlighting the 3d character There only two character I have created now a day but am still progressing it for a new ones. The first character is the devil which will take the whole earth after the end of the world, And the second object is a part of a monitor Efore am embedding the 3d model I,ll like to display the character design.. of Deadliest chopper.and the Mizo Pasaltha with his armour

3D OF THE SAME SET DESIGN Here am embedding the car design from 3d-max and I use raytrace effect for texturig and for the final touch I used the a Mental Ray rendering technique.

seems to be realistic, but there are lot of hidden fact being the object. Ok here an embeddiig some of my vector works, and it tooks me time and I,s apart of my hobby,first here is the a character design . This is a character I design during my vaccaion a perspective view of it and here,s the other view of the same.

I realy thik that if I can finish my project work and eagerly waiting to animate and converted to a computer generated graphics.
And there are lot of new stuff to be uploaded shortly…

Oct 15, 2009

A Halo over Moscow

“And you thought rainbows were cool. A few days ago, a mysterious cloud shaped like a halo appeared over Moscow, and the buzz has yet to break.

pic: the

We’re the first to admit that a photograph of the heavenly cloud appears to be photoshopped. It’s just so…perfect. But meteorologists have spoken up and said the cloud wasn’t digitally altered. However, it wasn’t exactly what it appeared to be, either.


Oct 12, 2009

Ha it's time to upload some of my bad day. Everybody have a Badday, so im also trapping into these.Morning don have suprisingly wake up it's eyelid with the sun and stood a sunrays inside my room.Am very excited to wake up and rush quickly to my college; nature have spUn its time to figure out some bad activities from Human.And now here come the Big trouble for all the student of animation & Graphics.We are very profoundly that we have to be marked absent for the morning classes due to incomplete uniform, our A.O suddenly appears like a killing Monster Shoutig wit a pale face searching for a prey inside the Lab. Everbody stood up and stand still swallowing their saliva; maybe we are a little bit stubborne student none of us wearing full uniform except one un-chanted melody Girl. Ha! it's been a pretty tough day,i and my boon campanion were wondering how to do ; meanwhile we went off to some parts of the University Block( Dept.),mind full of galloping bags don't even know what to do . we went off again to our Department.while we were roaming there's one good news we r supposed to have a class on afternoon " that the horrible subject.. AH... A not yet! .due to Mr. Pagemaker". Encounting a number of muzik and video stuff in Lab, wondering why i can't be in da mood of the same. I make my mind and starts pay attetion more to Mr. Pagemaker nd asking him some question for ma satisfaction of Editting Career..Don't try to ask some critical question ..if he dont have the correct answer, He won't give ure answer. On the other hand he would squeeze it and tell u some basic tools ;hasitating to answer ure question.. I'm feel too guilty bout maself, telling bout my personal divotional. all the above mentioned words were not based on a personal life or not to harm any person . The think u seen and read is all an Illusion.

Oct 8, 2009

This is my own and First bloggsite completed by me. Anyone who like to visit my website are always welcome, at any time, where ever you are, whenever you feel like to visit. Have a deep and soft breathe in it. Please do help me enrich my website.First of alll i thank God for giving me, leading and guiding me all the way and all the time through i prepared the website.And i thank's alot to my parent' well as to all my friend who have give me and suggest me in every path of my way.

You need to start “turning your activities into EPIC-tivities.” We all do. Why do we feel passion is a sin? Leonard tells us that “A driving hunger for God is passion at its best.”

Let us turn our worldview into a worldstage .

If we start living The Gospel According to Starbucks, which incidentally is the real gospel (according to Jesus), we will not be able to keep people away. Let’s offer the world an adventure to become a part of. A true experience of God. Read this book to learn how.

Do visit my website and try to gain some of what, at least the little and smallest things you need.

Today am Buzy with Designing a animation in Flash , am really tired to be a man like me doing all kind of designing, and still am waisting ma time here creating my blogged