
Oct 8, 2009

This is my own and First bloggsite completed by me. Anyone who like to visit my website are always welcome, at any time, where ever you are, whenever you feel like to visit. Have a deep and soft breathe in it. Please do help me enrich my website.First of alll i thank God for giving me, leading and guiding me all the way and all the time through i prepared the website.And i thank's alot to my parent' well as to all my friend who have give me and suggest me in every path of my way.

You need to start “turning your activities into EPIC-tivities.” We all do. Why do we feel passion is a sin? Leonard tells us that “A driving hunger for God is passion at its best.”

Let us turn our worldview into a worldstage .

If we start living The Gospel According to Starbucks, which incidentally is the real gospel (according to Jesus), we will not be able to keep people away. Let’s offer the world an adventure to become a part of. A true experience of God. Read this book to learn how.

Do visit my website and try to gain some of what, at least the little and smallest things you need.

1 comment:

angaaa... said...

u seem to be very religious