
Oct 15, 2009

A Halo over Moscow

“And you thought rainbows were cool. A few days ago, a mysterious cloud shaped like a halo appeared over Moscow, and the buzz has yet to break.

pic: the

We’re the first to admit that a photograph of the heavenly cloud appears to be photoshopped. It’s just so…perfect. But meteorologists have spoken up and said the cloud wasn’t digitally altered. However, it wasn’t exactly what it appeared to be, either.


Oct 12, 2009

Ha it's time to upload some of my bad day. Everybody have a Badday, so im also trapping into these.Morning don have suprisingly wake up it's eyelid with the sun and stood a sunrays inside my room.Am very excited to wake up and rush quickly to my college; nature have spUn its time to figure out some bad activities from Human.And now here come the Big trouble for all the student of animation & Graphics.We are very profoundly that we have to be marked absent for the morning classes due to incomplete uniform, our A.O suddenly appears like a killing Monster Shoutig wit a pale face searching for a prey inside the Lab. Everbody stood up and stand still swallowing their saliva; maybe we are a little bit stubborne student none of us wearing full uniform except one un-chanted melody Girl. Ha! it's been a pretty tough day,i and my boon campanion were wondering how to do ; meanwhile we went off to some parts of the University Block( Dept.),mind full of galloping bags don't even know what to do . we went off again to our Department.while we were roaming there's one good news we r supposed to have a class on afternoon " that the horrible subject.. AH... A not yet! .due to Mr. Pagemaker". Encounting a number of muzik and video stuff in Lab, wondering why i can't be in da mood of the same. I make my mind and starts pay attetion more to Mr. Pagemaker nd asking him some question for ma satisfaction of Editting Career..Don't try to ask some critical question ..if he dont have the correct answer, He won't give ure answer. On the other hand he would squeeze it and tell u some basic tools ;hasitating to answer ure question.. I'm feel too guilty bout maself, telling bout my personal divotional. all the above mentioned words were not based on a personal life or not to harm any person . The think u seen and read is all an Illusion.

Oct 8, 2009

This is my own and First bloggsite completed by me. Anyone who like to visit my website are always welcome, at any time, where ever you are, whenever you feel like to visit. Have a deep and soft breathe in it. Please do help me enrich my website.First of alll i thank God for giving me, leading and guiding me all the way and all the time through i prepared the website.And i thank's alot to my parent' well as to all my friend who have give me and suggest me in every path of my way.

You need to start “turning your activities into EPIC-tivities.” We all do. Why do we feel passion is a sin? Leonard tells us that “A driving hunger for God is passion at its best.”

Let us turn our worldview into a worldstage .

If we start living The Gospel According to Starbucks, which incidentally is the real gospel (according to Jesus), we will not be able to keep people away. Let’s offer the world an adventure to become a part of. A true experience of God. Read this book to learn how.

Do visit my website and try to gain some of what, at least the little and smallest things you need.

Today am Buzy with Designing a animation in Flash , am really tired to be a man like me doing all kind of designing, and still am waisting ma time here creating my blogged